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love is over

Turkey. 2017. | Mid-length documentary. 47min. | Portugues, Turkish. 

On the days of June 2013, people from two different parts of the world went to the streets to shout out their dissatisfaction. This dissatisfaction had been accumulating over the past years with rising violations of civil rights and freedoms and neoliberal discipline methods in all over the world.


On those days when the Gezi Park was occupied, people in Brazil who were also in the streets protesting the bus fare rise were sending their greetings to Gezi Park. This documentary follows the story of its “Gezi protestor” narrator whose past is connected with Brazil. Hearing the greetings of Brazilian people as they chante through the streets “Love is over! This is Turkey now!”, the narrator sets on a journey to Brazil to find some answers about these concurrent protests.

After introducing his personal story to the audience, he introduces the streets of Sao Paulo, occupied homes, and demonstrators of different age, gender and backgrounds. So the audience starts to travel between personal and social memory.


“Love is Over” is a documentary aiming to refresh our own memories of struggle by listening to the stories from another part of the world.


DOCUMENTARIST 10th Istanbul Documentary Days,

JvdK New Talent Special Jury Award, 2017

36th Istanbul Film Festival, Turkey,

National Documentary Competition, Finalist, 2017


19th Eskisehir International Film Festival, Turkey,

Official Selection, 2017


10th Ege Documentary Days, Turkey,

Official Selection, 2017


4th Bozcaada International Ecological Documentary Festival, Turkey

Gaia Competition, Finalist, 2017


21st London Turkish Film Festival, England

Official Selection, 2017


Human Rights Foundation of Turkey - 8. Human Rights Documentary Days, Turkey

Official Selection, 2017


17th International Worker's Film Festival, Turkey

Official Selection, 2017


Filmambiente - International Ecological Film Festival, Brazil,

Official Selection, 2019

Mostra Matilha Cultural, Brazil,

Special Screening, 2019

IIPPE Annual Political Economy Conference, Portugal,

Special Screening, 2017


Bogaziçi University, Latin American Politics, Z.Kadirbeyoglu, Turkey

Special Screening, 2017

University of Bologna, Fikret Adaman, Italy

Special Screening, 2017

Institute of Social Studies, Murat Arsel, Holland,

Special Screening, 2017


Director: Mert Kaya

Producers: Ariya Toprak, Mert Kaya

Co-producer: Fikret Adaman

Music: Deniz Mahir Kartal

Editing: Enes Tural

Assistant Producer: Ece Senbas

Illustrator: Seda Mit

Animation: Tolga Burçak

Sound: Adriano Saddeck dos Santos

Production Managers: Arda Çiltepe, Umut Kocagöz, Ian Okamoto

Advisor: Can Candan

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