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Love is Over

Turkey. 2017. | Mid-length documentary. 47min. | Portugues, Turkish.

film by Mert Kaya

produced by Ariya Toprak, Mert Kaya

premiered at 36th IKSV Istanbul International Film Festival

awarded by 10th DOCUMENTARIST Istanbul Documentary Days with JvdK New Talent Award


Turkey. 2019. | video installation. 5min45sec. | Kurdish, Turkish.

video by Mert Kaya

produced by Truth, Justice, Memory Centre

exhibited at Karsı Sanat, Istanbul

Side by Side

Turkey. 2021. | video installation. 2min02sec. | Turkish.

video by Mert Kaya

exhibited at Biennale Architettura 2021 Venice


Turkey. 2019. | short film. 20min. | Turkish.

film by Ozan Yoleri

co-script writer, executive producer Mert Kaya

Launch Break

Turkey. 2018. | short film. 20min. | Turkish.

film by Ozan Yoleri

1st AD, Editor Mert Kaya

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